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Trip in the Silk



To take a leap in the ancient traditions of Sericulture and Silk Art we propose    the following excellent trails:        


1.NATURAL TRAIL LOOP- It was realized along a path that heads for the heart of an adult pine forest where the landscapes and the nature challenge the visitor’s eye, impressing him with more than 50 species of plants of the Mediterranean.


2. MULBERRY ORCHARD-is an intensive culture consisting of about 3,500 kokusò variety plants spread over an area of ​​over 1.5 hectares of land. These plants as well as offering a quality of very large leaves (the only food silkworms live on, as we said before), offer  man the “Muberry Blackberry”,a particular fruit that ripens between late May and early June every year, which can be tasted fresh or as  delicious jams.


3. SILKWORMS.  After many years of inactivity they have returned to live in S.Floro, and for every breeding season thousands of them munch the just-gathered mulberry leaves, giving us back the joy of discovering the mystery that surrounds them in a silk cocoon. It is our interest  to make this natural alchemy known, showing the new generation a phenomenon discovered over 4,200 years ago by a Chinese princess.

4. SILK REELING. During this operation  mistery joins  magic. While coocoms  unravel,  it is possible to see how many silk threads combine forming a  single long wire, shiny  and continous for more than  2 kms. The vision of this process traps the attention of the visitor who is enchanted with the   thread  taking  off from the cocoons and being   deposited on a reel which wrapping  in a synergistic way  forms a skein in just few seconds.


5. SILK MUSEUM - unique of its kind. In a section it preserves the relics of the silk history: ancient dresses,Catanzaro damasks, holy tapestries and industrial textile archeology. In another section it exhibits contemporary artefacts in raw silk, distinct for crochet and fabrics made with antiques 4 heddles looms. There is also a learning  section “from Mulberry to Silkworm”  and  other natural fibres (silk, broom, linen, wool). In the last section  the museum hosts  a textile laboratory with  a 4 heddles loom in working order and with a learning loom for all school grades. Inside this place the history of the past  and of the  present,    craftsmanship magically combine.




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